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New year coming , happy 2017 :D

Hello everyone, How have you been? I wanna write in french but not everyone passing through these lines would understand..( neither english in fact) . Anyway. I hope your year 2016 went great and full of positive situation, meeting new friends, consolidating familly ties, developing projects, finalizing some of them, help others,..

I hope your health improved or maintained, your happyness as well, you wiseness, your will of life..

For me, 2016 was full of events, amongst them, travel around the world, dangerous situations, great ones,

-keep doing mba in sport management with Spain

-keep doing professional football trainer with Argentina

- classes with Cours Florent in Acting with my love in Brussels

-movie shoothing in the Netherlands with the director, actor and friend Salar Zarza and the team of True Spirit Production.

-helping others and family

-started my own company Born to Act and Sport Yourself Ltd, fully working next year

-some commercial here and there.

-some movies that will never finish

-start new martial arts , brazilian jiu jitsu and judo with Team Nogueira Brazil.

-helping others and family

-play football whenever possible

-work online with different stuffs

- met great people everywhere

-learnt to read cyrillic alfabet thanks to a movie character,...

- the most important, Try to see family and love ones as soon as possible and of course enjoying life.

So for this coming year, 2017 (puts) more projects, continuation of some from last year ( finishing mba, finishing Out for Vengeance,, get black belt in shotokan,..) and new ones (two novels to write and develop in movie projects, founded if possible), development of movie and sport network,... many many more

the pleasure to welcome many baby in a couple of months:D (3)

I wish to everywhere to have wonderfull projects and an amazing coming year, let s run to a better one :D

And what about you? what have you accomplished this year? What are the plans for 2017? Don't forget to have them written down to improve their concretization.

Cheers my friends and let's run to an happy new yeaaaaaaaaaaaar

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